Customization Guide

The groundcover platform offers extensive customization options, including the ability to install based on your preferred method and approach, and adapt data retention and storage to fit your specific needs and requirements.

Customize deployment

groundcover supports many custom configurations so you can fit it to the way your deployment works and to your exact needs.

Customize usage

groundcover supports many custom configurations so you can fit it to the way your deployment works and to your exact needs.

Data collection

groundcover allows you to control the way data is being collected and treated across your cluster in many ways.

Here are a few worth knowing:

  1. Custom retention - customizing the retention of logs, metrics, and traces allows you to strike a balance between having sufficient data for analysis and observability, and managing your cloud costs, system performance, and data compliance aspects associated with data storage.

  2. Sensitive data obfuscation - as any application monitoring system, the data collected by groundcover is by nature sensitive and contains payloads of full requests and queries. Raw traces can go a long way in a troubleshooting process, but you can choose to obfuscate their payload.

Last updated

Change request #291: eks addon