Setting up and first steps

Once installed, we recommend following these first steps to help you quickly gain the most our of groundcover's unique observability platform.

Build your first dashboard

A dashboard is a great tool for visually tracking, analyzing, and displaying key performance metrics, which enable you to monitor the health of your infrastructure and applications. groundcover Dashboards leverage our integration with Grafana, which is embedded directly inside the platform's user interface (UI).

Learn how to do it using our step-by-step guide.

Create your first alert

Alerts are a great way to always be on top of any anomalies in your environment. Similar to our Dashboards, groundcover Alerts also leverage our integration with Grafana, which is embedded directly inside the platform's user interface (UI). You can set up a new Alert based on your custom parameters very easily by following these quick steps:

Learn how to do it using our step-by-step guide.

Invite your coworkers

Invites lets you share your workspaces with your colleagues in just a couple of clicks. They do not need to have an existing groundcover account prior to you sending them invites, but invites can only be sent to email addresses that share the same domain as the one you signed up with. You will be notified as soon as the invite was accepted and the users you invited will be logged into your workspace.

Follow these 3 steps to start sending invites:

  1. Click the "Invite" button on the upper right of the screen.

  2. Type the invitees' email address.

  3. Click "Send invites".

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