
Monitoring Istio Service Mesh with groundcover

By default, groundcover's Traces translate proxy redirections done by Istio Service Mesh automatically to display communication across different services. This page explains how more advanced Istio integrations can be configured.


To integrate Istio Distributed Tracing into groundcover, you'll simply need to configure Istio's Datadog Tracer address to groundocver's collector.

Set Istio's value

  • --set

Restart Istio with the configured value.


  1. You might want to set a sampling rate using the value tracer.sampling, as described in

  2. Traces from Istio are associated to a specific Pod rather than a specific container. For this reason, traces integrated from Istio will not have Container Info stats available.

  3. Currently, traces integrated using this method will have "Datadog" as their source.


Each of Istio's mesh components export Prometheus metrics, which can be scraped by groundcover using the Custom Metrics feature.

For explanation on Istio's metrics, head over to their docs -

Last updated

Change request #291: eks addon