Dec 2023

Unprecedented workloads investigation depth by correlating events and issues over time

Release Date: December 14, 2023

Affected Sections: Workloads

This update is a big step forward in the investigation and troubleshooting capabilities of Workloads! We’re excited to introduce a new set of tools and visualizations to help you understand your cloud environments at a much deeper level, quicker and more easily than ever.

Deep dive into the applications running in your cloud, presented on a timeline that makes it much easier to understand and correlate the chain of events causing issues such as latency or crashes.

This update centers around two important improvements:

  • The infrastructure data that was part of the Workload info page has now been separated from it into its own section, under the Infrastructure section. It includes all data about your pods and other Kubernetes entities.

  • The Workload info page has an entirely fresh look and usability, now offering a deep dive into the applications running in your cloud, presented on a timeline that makes it much easier to understand and correlate the chain of events causing issues such as latency or crashes.

A new-look Workload information page

This major facelift reflects our evolving approach to workload investigations into root cause analysis. Every type of issue is now broken down into categories - Infrastructure, Resources, and API (this will be further expanded into even more categories in future updates).

In this section, clicking on a category will allow you to dive deep into the details:

Infrastructure - The Workload info page now shows you a timeline correlating all events relating to a specific workload, making it much easier to understand causes and effects. For example, you can now instantly visualize how crashes and warning events impacted workload availability.

Critical information on all pods connected to a workload will be viewable from this page too, as well as Service Map showing how a workload is related to other services, enabling you to jump directly to the Service Map to zoom in or out as desired.

Resources - Understand the resource utilization of individual workloads over time, including pods and nodes resources utilized, and how that compares to the defined limits. In addition, you can now view Noisy Neighbors, which will also show you the node utilization of all workloads on a specific node, which can be selected from the drop down menu on the panel’s upper right. This will allow you to quickly visualize the other workloads that may have affected the latency or unavailability of that node.

APIs - See all of groundcover’s golden signals per API. And for the first time, you can differentiate between inbound and outbound API communications, as well as the origin and destination of the requests, helping you better understand where issues originate.

We are confident that this massive update will be very significant in your ability to identify, resolve and prevent issues much faster than ever before. Our next update will add even more visibility and order, and is coming up very soon, so stay tuned!

These new capabilities are available are available with v1.6.26 or later. Learn how to update groundcover's agent to the most recent version.

Last updated