Using groundcover datasources in a Self-hosted Grafana

Exposing Data Sources for Managed inCloud Setup

groundcover inCloud Managed supports integration with customer owned Grafana by exposing Prometheus and ClickHouse data sources.

Different steps are required for On-Prem deployments, contact us for additional info.


Datasources api-key

The groundcover tenant API KEY is required for configuring the data source connection.

The key can be obtained by running: groundcover auth get-datasources-api-key

For this example we will use the key API-KEY-VALUE



Configure Grafana prometheus Data Source by following these steps logged in as Grafana Admin.

  1. Connections > Data Sources > + Add new data source

  2. Pick Prometheus

    1. Name: groundcover-prometheus

    2. Prometheus server URL:

    3. Customer HTTP Headers > Add Header

      1. Header: apikey

      2. Value: API-KEY-VALUE

    4. Performance

      1. Prometheus type: Prometheus

      2. Prometheus version: > 2.50.x

  3. Click "Save & test"

"Successfully queried the Prometheus API" means the integration was configured correctly.


Configure Grafana ClickHouse Data Source by following these steps logged in as Grafana Admin.

  1. Connections > Data Sources > + Add new data source

  2. Pick ClickHouse

    1. Name: groundcover-clickhouse

    2. Server

      1. Server address:

      2. Server port: 443

      3. Protocol: HTTP

      4. Secure Connection: ON

    3. HTTP Headers

      1. Forward Grafana HTTP Headers: ON

    4. Credentials

      1. Username: Leave empty

      2. Password: API-KEY-VALUE

    5. Additional Properties

      1. Default database: groundcover

  3. Click "Save & test"

"Data source is working" means the integration was configured correctly.

Last updated