Create a new Workflow
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Creating new workflows currently supported through the app only, browse to the settings page then to workflows screen, click on the “Create Workflow” Button:
Clicking the button will open up a text editor where you can add your workflow definition in YAML format, See Workflows for definitions and Workflow Examples for examples.
When creating a new workflow which uses an action using an integration, for example: slack, Make sure you've added the integration prior to the workflow creation. See: Workflow Integrations
Upon successful workflow creation it will be active immediately, and a new workflow record will appear in the underlying table.
For each existing workflow we can see the following fields"
Name: your defined workflow name
Description: if you've added a description of the workflow.
Creator: workflow creator mail
Creation Date: Workflow creation date
Last Execution Time: Timestamp of last workflow execution, this field is dependant on workflow trigger type.
Last Execution Status: Last execution status, failure or success.