Search & Filter

Search and filter

To help you slice and dice your data, you can use our dynamic filters (left panel) and/or our powerful search functionality (search bar at the top).

Our filters work in tandem with the search functionality, which supports both key:value pairs as well as free text search. To further focus your results, you can also restrict the results to specific time windows using the time picker on the upper right of the screen.

The following syntaxes are available for you to use in the search bar:



Filters: Use golden filters to narrow down your search. Note: Multiple filters for the same key act as 'OR' conditions, whereas multiple filters for different keys act as 'AND' conditions.


Logs Traces K8s Events API Catalog


Attributes: Search within the content of attributes. Note: Multiple filters for the same key act as 'OR' conditions, whereas multiple filters for different keys act as 'AND' conditions.

Logs Traces


Free text (exact match): Search for single-word terms. Tip: Expand your search results by using wildcards.


Logs K8s Events

" "

Phrase Search (case-insensitive): Enclose terms within double quotes to find results containing the exact phrase.

"search term"

Logs K8s Events


Wildcard: Search for partial matches. Note: Wildcards are enabled in all searches except phrase search, where they will be treated as an asterisk character.




Logs Traces K8s Events API Catalog


Exclude: Specify terms or filters to omit from your search; applies to each distinct search.

-key:value -@key:value -term -"search term"

Last updated