EKS add-on

groundcover's EKS add-on is the easiest way to deploy the groundcover eBPF sensor on your EKS cluster, and connect it directly to your inCloud Managed observability backend.

Enable Add-on


Create groundcover namespace on your EKS cluster

kubectl create ns groundcover

API Key Secret

Create groundcover API-key secret on your EKS cluster

# Install the groundcover CLI
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL <https://groundcover.com/install.sh>)"

# Login to your groundcover account
groundcover auth login

# Fetch your api key
groundcover auth print-api-key

# Create secret
kubectl create secret generic api-key \
    -n groundcover \
    --from-literal API_KEY="${API_KEY}"

Configuration Values

Create the following agent-values.yaml file and fill in the required values accordingly.

        site: <incloud-site>

If you don't know what your inCloud site is, get support on Slack.

Create Add-on

Run the following command to enable the groundcover agent add-on for your Amazon EKS cluster

aws eks create-addon \
    --region <region> \
    --cluster-name <cluster-name> \
    --addon-name groundcover_agent \
    --configuration-values 'file://agent-values.yaml'

Disable Add-on

Run the following command to disable the groundcover agent add-on for your Amazon EKS cluster.

aws eks delete-addon \
    --region <region> \
    --cluster-name <cluster-name> \
    --addon-name groundcover_agent

Last updated