Connect Linux hosts

Linux hosts sensor

Note: Linux host sensor is currently available exclusively to Enterprise users. Check out our pricing page for more information about subscription plans.

Supported Environments

We currently support running on eBPF-enabled linux machines (See more Kernel requirements for eBPF sensor)

Supported architectures: AMD64 + ARM64

For the following providers, we will fetch the machine metadata from the provider's API.






Sensor capabilities

  • Infrastructure Host metrics: CPU/Memory/Disk usage

  • Logs

    • Natively from docker containers running on the machine

    • JournalD (requires configuration)

    • Static log files on the machine (requires configuration)

  • Traces

    • Natively from docker containers running on the machine

  • APM metrics and insights from the traces

How to install?

Installation currently requires running a script on the machine.

The script will pull the latest sensor version and install it as a service: groundcover-sensor (requires privileges)

Install/Upgrade existing sensor:

curl -fsSL | sudo env API_KEY='{apiKey}' GC_ENV_NAME='{selected_Env}' GC_DOMAIN='{inCloud_Site}' bash -s -- install


  • {apiKey} - Your unique backend token, you can get it using groundcover auth print-api-key

  • {inCloud_Site} - Your backend ingress address (Your inCloud public ingestion endpoint)

  • {selected_Env} - The Environment that will group those machines on the cluster drop down in the top right corner (We recommend setting a separate one for non k8s deployments)

Remove installed sensor:

curl -fsSL | sudo bash -s -- uninstall

Customize sensor configuration:

The sensor supports overriding its default configuration (similarly to the Kubernetes sensor), only in this case it's required to write the overrides to a file on disk.

The file is located in /etc/opt/groundcover/overrides.yaml, after writing it you should restart the sensor service using systemctl restart groundcover-sensor

Example - override Docker max log line size:

echo "# Local overrides to sensor configuration
    dockerMaxLogSize: 102400
" | sudo tee /etc/opt/groundcover/overrides.yaml && sudo systemctl restart groundcover-sensor

Last updated