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groundcover is a full stack, cloud-native observability platform, developed to break all industry paradigms - from making instrumentation a thing of the past, to decoupling cost from data volumes.

The groundcover platform consolidates all your traces, metrics, logs, and Kubernetes events into a single pane of glass, allowing you to identify issues faster than ever before and conduct granular investigations for quick remediation and long-term prevention.

Our pricing is not impacted by the volume of data generated by the environments you monitor, so you can dare to start monitoring environments that had been blind spots until now - such as your Dev and Staging clusters. This, in turn, provides you visibility into all your environments, making it much more likely to identify issues in the early stages of development, rather than in your live product.

groundcover introduces two game-changing concepts to observability:

Bring your own cloud (BYOC)

The one-of-a-kind architecture on which groundcover was built eliminates all requirements to stream your logs, metrics, traces, and other monitoring data outside of your environment and into a third-party's cloud. By leveraging integrations with best-of-breed technologies, including ClickHouse and Victoria Metrics, it enables storing all your observability data locally, separating our control plane from your inCloud data plane.

This results in two main benefits:

  1. License price never affected by data volumes

    • Our fully transparent pricing model is based only on the number of nodes being monitored. Volume of logs, metrics, traces, and all other observability data don’t affect your cost. This results in savings of at least 85% compared to other vendors.

    • Cost becomes an enabler of growth and expansion.

    • The ability to deploy groundcover in data-intensive environments enables the monitoring of Dev and Staging clusters, which promotes early identification of issues.

  2. Highest level of data security and privacy

    • None of your data ever leaves your environment

    • None of your data is ever exposed to groundcover

    • Enhanced security and privacy setup options are available for organizations that need to comply with a FedRamp-level of security, including on-premises (groundcover onPrem), in which the frontend is also deployed inside your environment; and fully offline and air-gapped (groundcover airGapped), in which the frontend and user authentication are deployed inside your environment, reducing online communication to zero.

eBPF sensor

eBPF (extended Berkeley Packet Filter) is a groundbreaking technology that has significantly impacted the Linux kernel, offering a new way to safely and efficiently extend its capabilities.

By leveraging our eBPF sensor, groundcover unlocks unprecedented granularity on all your applications, eliminating the need for costly code changes and development cycles to ensure monitoring continuity. Our unique sensor collects data directly from the Linux kernel with near-zero impact on CPU and memory.

There are many advantages to this approach, including:

  1. Zero instrumentation

    • By running eBPF programs at specific hook points in the kernel, groundcover gathers intimate observability data without the need for integrating an SDK or changing the application code in any way. This provides immediate and language-agnostic visibility into application performance, allowing for detailed insights into what's happening within the system.

  2. Access exclusive data

    • eBPF allows direct access to the Linux kernel, enabling the collection of data straight from the source. This guarantees that the data is clean, unaltered, and precise. It also offers visibility into both ends of traces, including the full content of Headers and Body (which can also easily be obfuscated, as needed).

  3. Minimal resources footprint

    • groundcover’s sensor operates separately from the main application it is monitoring, without interfering with the application's primary functions. This facilitates a monitoring process with near-zero impact on the resources of the micro-services it monitors, preserving the application's performance and avoiding unexpected overhead on the infrastructure.

Learn about groundcover inCloud Managed (currently available only on a paid plan), which enables you to deploy groundcover's control plane inside your own environment and delegate the entire setup and management of the groundcover platform.

Stream processing

groundcover applies a stream processing approach to collect and control the continuous flow of data to gain immediate insights, detect anomalies, and respond to changing conditions. Unlike batch processing, where data is collected over a period and then analyzed, stream processing analyzes the data as it flows through the system.

Our platform uses a distributed stream processing engine that enables it to ingest huge amounts of data (such as logs, traces and Kubernetes events) in real time. It also processes all that data and instantly generates complex insights (such as metrics and context) based on it.

As a result, the volume of raw data stored dramatically decreases which, in turn, further reduces the overall cost of observability.


Log Management

Designed for high scalability and rapid query performance, enabling quick and efficient log analysis from all your environments. Each log is enriched with actionable context and correlated with relevant metrics and traces, providing a comprehensive view for fast troubleshooting.

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Infrastructure Monitoring

The groundcover platform provides cloud-native infrastructure monitoring, enabling automatic collection and real-time monitoring of infrastructure health and efficiency.

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Application Performance Monitoring (APM)

Gain end-to-end observability into your applications performance, identify and resolve issues instantly, all with zero code changes.

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