ClickHouse resources
The following section is only relevant for inCluster deployments, where ClickHouse is deployed inside each monitored cluster. For inCloud Managed, groundcover takes care of database deployment and management, scaling a central deployment of ClickHouse according to your data usage.
ClickHouse is one of the two core databases used by groundcover. It is responsible for logs, traces, events, monitors, dashboards and many more features available in the platform.
As such, it requires suitable resources to operate without issues. The default resources in the groundcover chart were chosen according to both ClickHouse docs (here and here) but also according to our extensive experience of running it in all types of plans and deployments.
We don't recommend decreasing those resources as it might cause ClickHouse to become unstable and degrade system performance.
The default values for ClickHouse resources are:
Last updated